The general terms and conditions for the hotel industry in the version dated November 15, 2006 apply.
You can download these under the following link: AGBH (except for cancellation conditions).
The cancellation fees are charged as follows.
up to 3 months before arrival
for free
3 months to 1 month before arrival
1 month to 2 weeks before arrival
2 weeks before arrival
Deposits are no longer refundable. In the event of late arrival or early departure, the entire travel price is due.
To avoid unnecessary cancellation costs, you can take out travel cancellation insurance.
This is also offered by Europäische Reiseversicherung.
Take out travel insurance online now.
Payment by EC card, ATM, bank transfer or cash. Payment by credit card is not possible.
Visitors to the chalets are only allowed by prior arrangement with the hosts.